
Radical Friendship Book Club for LGBTQ+ people — Ch. 5-End — Thu, Oct 28 7:30-8:30p EST — ONLINE

Book cover for "Radical Friendship" by Kate Johnson

Grounded in the Buddha’s teachings on spiritual friendship, Radical Friendship shares seven strategies to help us embody our deepest values in all of our relationships. Drawing on her experiences as a leading meditation teacher, as well as personal stories of growing up multiracial in a racist world, Kate Johnson brings a fresh take on time-honored wisdom to help us connect more authentically with ourselves, with our friends and family, and within our communities.

The divides we experience within us and between us are not only a threat to our physical and emotional health—they are also the weapons and the outcomes of structural oppression. But through wise relationships, it is possible to transform the barriers created by societal injustice. Johnson leads us on a journey to becoming better friends by offering ways to show up for our own and each other’s liberation at every stage of a relationship. Each chapter ends with a meditation or reflection practice to help readers cultivate vibrant, harmonious, revolutionary friendships. Radical Friendship offers a path of depth and hope and shows us the importance of working toward collective wellbeing, one relationship at a time.

A case for friendship as a radical practice of love, courage, and trust, and seven strategies that pave the way for profound social change.

Radical Friendship Book Group for LGBTQ+ people
Ch. 5-End
Thursday, Oct. 28 730-830pm EST

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Sat Aug 7, 1-3pm: Park Meeting with Nature Meditation

Join us for an outdoor meeting and nature meditation (weather permitting) in Central Park on Saturday Aug 7.

  • When: 1-3pm, Sat, Aug 7, 2021
  • Where: Central Park, Cedar Hill (Enter at 5th Ave & E 79th St)

Sat May 22, 4-6pm: Five Precepts Workshop on Zoom

Please join RDNYC for a peer-led workshop on the Five Precepts. We will be exploring the traditional articulation of the Precepts as well as updated and expanded contemporary versions of them. What work do these precepts call us to do, collectively and individuals, in this current moment?

Please read and consider these two articles (~15 minute read in total) BEFORE THE EVENT, in preparation. They will form the basis of our reflections, and we will be discussing them in small and large groups.

Registration is kindly requested so that we can plan based on the number of attendees, and know a little bit about the group. In order to allow latecomers to the announcement to attend the workshop, we have decided to share the Zoom link in advance