
Feb 26: RDNYC Sound Healing & Meditation

Join Recovery Dharma NYC for a Sound Healing & Meditation event at Ohm Center!

Space is limited (12 max). Please email or text Ben (info below) to reserve a spot.

Where: Ohm Center, 1143 1st Ave
When: Saturday, Feb. 26th, arrive by 2:20 PM
Info/Reserve: | 917-545-8104

2022 Intersangha Officers

Announcing the Recovery Dharma NYC Intersangha Officers for 2022!

Two positions remain vacant, so if you’re looking for an opportunity to offer service, please consider volunteering for one of them. You can refer to the previous elections post for more information on the positions and officer expectations.

  • Intersangha Chair​: Lisa A
  • Intersangha Co-Chair​: Joshua S
  • Intersangha Secretary​: _____
  • Intersangha Treasurer​: Matthew S
  • Communication Chair: Adam P
  • Literature Chair: RJ B
  • Events Chair​: Ben D
  • Outreach Chair​: _____
  • Wise Friends Chair: Yvette Q

New officers are encouraged to attend the Dec 20 Intersangha meeting (virtual, zoom) to observe (but cannot vote). The incoming 2022 Intersangha team will decide if they want to meet on Jan 17 (MLK Day) or move to a different day.

2022 Recovery Dharma NYC Intersangha Officer Elections

Elections for the 2022 Recovery Dharma NYC Intersangha will take place soon. The NYC Intersangha officers meet monthly on the 3rd Monday at 6:30. Currently all meetings are happening virtually on Zoom.

  • The nomination period is concluded (it ran Nov 26 – Dec 10)
  • Voting will take place Dec 13-17, online (a poll will be available soon)
  • New officers are encouraged to attend the Dec 20 Intersangha meeting (virtual, zoom) to observe (but cannot vote)
  • The incoming 2022 Intersangha team will decide if they want to meet on Jan 17 (MLK Day) or move to a different day

Intersangha Positions

RDNYC Intersangha consists of 9 member-elected service positions, described below, as well as Sangha Representatives from each RDNYC meeting. Each member serves a 12-month term. Terms run from January to December each year. Officer expectations are also posted below. Should an officer resign, an interim election will be held to elect a new officer.

  • Intersangha Chair​: Organizes and facilitates Intersangha business meetings. This role is non-authoritative and does not hold power to veto or make decisions on the group’s behalf.
  • Intersangha Co-Chair​: Assists the chair in facilitating business meetings and organization.
  • Intersangha Secretary​: Takes detailed notes (“minutes”) during Intersangha meetings; presents previous month’s minutes for review and voting; compiles archived minutes from previous meetings.
  • Intersangha Treasurer​: Maintains Intersangha treasury. Creates reports for every Intersangha meeting, disburses approved funds.
  • Communication Chair: Responsible for the strategic coordination of all communications with members including the website. Works with outreach and social media committees to ensure consistent messages across all media and platforms.
  • Literature Chair: Purchase and distribute books, design and coordinate with the printers to print pamphlets, newsletters and other materials for RDNYC; write, edit, and maintain online literature.
  • Events Chair​: Organize locally-based activities for RDNYC participants, such as quarterly day-long retreats, group outings and events, potluck meals, hikes and outdoor activities, etc.
  • Outreach Chair​: Spearhead community outreach, interface with local rehab centers, website events calendar, etc.
  • Wise Friends Chair: Helps link up RDNYC members who are seeking Wise Friends; collaborates with Events Chair to have Wise Friendship events.

(Intersangha also includes Sangha Representatives from each meeting group, who serve as a liaison between an individual meeting and RDNYC Intersangha and are empowered to vote on matters of Intersangha business. Each meeting group decides independently on the length of term of its representative, and election can happen at any time as decided by the meeting. This happened separate from Intersangha officer elections.)

Officer Expectations

“I agree to serve this 2022 term for its full duration as a peer-elected Officer of the Recovery Dharma NYC Intersangha. I agree that for the duration of this term I will do my best to live mindfully, intentionally, and compassionately, and to practice the renunciation* that is core to our Sangha. I am aware that the recommended period of renunciation required prior to holding an officer position is 90 days.

“I understand that I am expected to attend all meetings of the Intersangha (occurring monthly) and participate in WhatsApp communications, and that if I am unable to attend the monthly meeting, it is my responsibility to make a reasonable effort to make arrangements for a substitute representative to provide a report and vote in my place.

“Should I find that I am unable to carry out these agreements to the best of my ability, or that I need to focus on my own health and well-being, I agree to inform the Intersangha or a trusted fellow peer-elected leader or member of the Intersangha of my resignation in a timely fashion so that an immediate election can be called to fill my position. Alternatively, if there is no communication, a trusted peer will reach out to determine the best course of action.

“I understand and agree that resignation should occur in the following cases:

  • Should my renunciation practice be seriously compromised (i.e. hospitalization, multiple or significant relapse, admittance to a detox/rehab)
  • Should I behave in a way that is harmful to others or to the Sangha
  • Should I miss more than two meetings of Intersangha without reasonable attempts to find a replacement or otherwise informing the rest of Intersangha. Communication with Intersangha should occur over WhatsApp. 

“This agreement is made with the intention of prioritizing the health and well being of intersangha and RDNYC on both an individual and collective level, as well as to ensure reasonable participation and fulfillment of chair duties.”

* Renunciation Practice defined as a committed, continuous, mindful abstinence from the particular harmful behavior(s)/addiction(s) from which we have sought relief in this community.

Radical Friendship Book Club for LGBTQ+ people — Ch. 5-End — Thu, Oct 28 7:30-8:30p EST — ONLINE

Book cover for "Radical Friendship" by Kate Johnson

Grounded in the Buddha’s teachings on spiritual friendship, Radical Friendship shares seven strategies to help us embody our deepest values in all of our relationships. Drawing on her experiences as a leading meditation teacher, as well as personal stories of growing up multiracial in a racist world, Kate Johnson brings a fresh take on time-honored wisdom to help us connect more authentically with ourselves, with our friends and family, and within our communities.

The divides we experience within us and between us are not only a threat to our physical and emotional health—they are also the weapons and the outcomes of structural oppression. But through wise relationships, it is possible to transform the barriers created by societal injustice. Johnson leads us on a journey to becoming better friends by offering ways to show up for our own and each other’s liberation at every stage of a relationship. Each chapter ends with a meditation or reflection practice to help readers cultivate vibrant, harmonious, revolutionary friendships. Radical Friendship offers a path of depth and hope and shows us the importance of working toward collective wellbeing, one relationship at a time.

A case for friendship as a radical practice of love, courage, and trust, and seven strategies that pave the way for profound social change.

Radical Friendship Book Group for LGBTQ+ people
Ch. 5-End
Thursday, Oct. 28 730-830pm EST

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